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Meet Mary Ann Hebrank of Mary Ann's Spaghetti Sauce - SHOUTOUT HOUSTON TX

Mary Ann Pace

Shoutout Houston TX - Publication company

Our mission is to help change the way people spend money. We want people to spend more of their money with mom-and-pops, small businesses, independent artists and creatives. We think one of the most powerful ways to do that is by putting small business owners and creatives at the center of discussions designed to spark conversation within the community.

"I had the opportunity recently to answer some questions for Voyage Group Magazines on Shoutout Houston TX! I talk about how I started, the support I've received and how I strive to continue my parents legacy. If you have some time its a good read"!

Updates :

I've been in my kitchen cooking up a storm to keep up with all of the amazing orders i've been receiving. Thank you all for the continued support, it makes me happy to see you all enjoying my family's sauce at your homes. I truly enjoy the stories and reviews I wake up to in the morning, this is why I do it, so thank you!

I'll be branching out to other farmers markets around the Houston area in the coming weeks! So keep an eye out on my instagram to see where well be next!

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Carla Glasgow
Carla Glasgow
Aug 10, 2023

Got Mary Ann's sauce for my Birthday Dinner. It came with Italian pasta. It was wonderful.Brought back memories of eating at Tony's in Painesville,Oh. It was wonderful. The sauce is perfect for making many Italian Dishes. It also makes a great gift!😍

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